Bramble Scrub – W24/25
Rubus fruiticosus scrub
Low spreading scrub of woodland edge, roadside, derelict land.
Any except acidic peats.
Wide range of soils from mildly acidic to calcareous.
Variable. Bramble with individual Rose sp., Hawthorn, Blackthorn or Elder. On coastal sites low scrub may occur in more open situations & contain a greater range of species (Rosa canina, R. pimpinellifolia, R. mollis, R. coriifolia, R. afzeliana, Salix repens)
Ground Flora and Fauna
Dominated by rank grasses such as Yorkshire Fog , Cocksfoot and False Oat-grass and tall dicotyledons such as Common Nettle, Cleavers.
Mosaic of grassland & bramble with occasional trees & shrubs, particularly bird sown species.
Management principles
- Intervention rarely required unless encroaching on other valued habitat.
Planting sites for New Woods
Woodland margins. Road verges.
Design Principles
Low edge of Bramble and Rose to other mixtures.